Posts tagged consumer mindset
Episode 17 - Unlocking Financial Freedom with Brian Tibbs

Can you truly achieve financial freedom by shifting your mindset? Guest Brian Tibbs, a seasoned real estate investor and author of The HACKER Method, believes you can. Brian shares how the allure of consumerism often leads people astray and how his experiences living overseas offered him a fresh perspective on achieving genuine wealth. In this episode, Deb and Brian unpack the vital differences between consumer and investor mindsets and why the latter is crucial for building long-term financial stability.

Have you heard of the 50-40-10 budgeting strategy? By allocating 50% of your income to essential and enjoyable expenses, 40% to investments, and 10% to charitable giving, this strategy aims to foster financial independence and nurture a sense of social responsibility. We delve into how this budget can help parents like you eliminate large debts, reinvest profits, and positively impact the world.

Taking risks in investing can be daunting, but Brian explains how measured risks in stocks and real estate can lead to substantial long-term gains. Tune in to learn how these actionable steps can help you rethink your financial choices and pave the way toward financial freedom.

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