Posts in Tactics
Embracing Uncertainty: How to Navigate Tariffs, Economic Shifts, and the Unknown

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life—especially when it comes to economic policy. The recent implementation of 25% U.S. tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada has introduced a wave of unpredictability for businesses, investors, and consumers alike.

How will these changes impact industries? What does this mean for long-term economic growth? And more importantly, how can individuals make sound financial decisions amidst these uncertainties?

This post explores these questions, incorporating insights from Professor Douglas Irwin, a leading expert on trade policy, while offering timeless financial principles to help navigate economic uncertainty with confidence.

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The Art of Simple Gifts: Finding Joy in Meaningful Experiences

Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner?  With the holiday season often comes gift giving.  Resist the urge to spend beyond your means.  Instead, embrace simplicity.  

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2 Reasons We used our Opportunity Fund

It’s valuable for each family to have a cash emergency fund that can be tapped for true emergencies – like a car breaking down or furnace repair in winter – but this needn’t be more than a few thousand dollars.  Once you’ve comfortably saved for an unforeseen, short-term emergency, then you can turn your attention to bigger goals.

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Are Healthcare Sharing Plans Worthwhile?

Let’s face it. Government healthcare programs are really not great. And the individual plans are expensive. So there are a lot of people exploring different options and looking for alternatives to traditional health insurance. If this is you, I invite you to weigh the costs and benefits of a healthcare sharing plan. In this post, we’ll be looking at how a healthcare sharing plan works and some considerations you may want to make before deciding to go with this option.

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Let's Talk about Debt, Baby!

There are so many people who feel as though they will never get out from beneath all their debt. If this is you, I understand how you feel. I’ve had to sit with those feelings at times. But sitting inside that negative emotional space for too long can cause us to freeze, which leads to inaction… and can eventually lead to even more debt. So, I want to take this highly emotional topic and look at it objectively, from a higher-level perspective. My focus in this article will be to break down some preconceived notions about debt and give you some tips on managing debt.

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5 Ways to Teach Your Children Well

These are the moments that make me a proud mama.  It is my responsibility as a parent to create a safe, loving environment for my children to thrive. You are your son or daughter’s best teacher.  Let’s explore five ways to raise healthy, responsible children.

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How to Budget Wisely during a Recession

There are only so many things within your control, and cash flow planning is one of them … regardless of whether we are officially in a recession or not. Budgeting wisely is crucial during your family wealth-building journey.

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How to Track Cash Flow with a Detailed Budget

Budgeting is a sign of freedom where you are in the driver’s seat on spending and saving decisions. It’s your guidepost to build wealth as a family. [. . .] If budgeting evokes angst and contempt for you, it’s time for a new approach. Go read this article about how to budget without dread and come back when you’ve finished it.

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How to Use the Envelope Budget

An envelope budget system is a great tool for new college grads, even high school students who are working part-time. Learning this simple tool is a great way for young people to get started on the right trajectory.

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Don't be a Budget Hater! Here's How to Budget Better.

In my own financial journey, I have learned that budgeting doesn't have to be intimidating, stressful, or boring. In fact, budgeting can help you reach your loftiest goals. My hope is to help you shift your perspective on budgeting by the end of this post. I promise you that it is totally possible to feel better about budgeting.

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Conquer 2022 with Bear Market Investing Strategies

Here we are on the verge of a bear market. This after being on a wild roller coaster ride with COVID for the past couple of years.

You’re probably wondering…

  1. How did we end up here?

  2. What is driving the bear market?

  3. And, what is the best strategy to navigate the market downturn?

In this article, I’m going to answer each of those questions one by one. My hope is that, by the end of this article, you’ll have a good strategy that will relieve some of your anxiety about the 2022 bear market.

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For Richer or Poorer

We already dissected the vow “in sickness and in health.”  Let us turn to the financial aspect of marriage: for richer, for poorer. Money fights are the second-leading cause of divorce.  Let’s dive into why money is such a heated topic and how to communicate about money more effectively as a married couple.

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What to do with your 401(k) plan

Whether retirement is near or far away, you’ve been assured that more savings now generally leads to a bigger nest egg later. You believed that diligence and determination were the keys to building wealth.

So, in today’s uncertain economic environment, what do you do with your employer-sponsored 401(k) or 403(b) plan?

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Will the Coronavirus Bring our Economy Down?

There are over 80,000 confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, and the global death toll is around 2,700. The first outbreak began in Wuhan, China, but cases are popping up in other parts of the world: Italy, Iran, Japan and South Korea. Even the U.S. isn’t exempt from this concerning virus: the CDC has 14 confirmed cases in the United States over the last month. Federal health authorities are preparing for a pandemic.

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Why High School Jobs are Part of College Prep

Getting good grades is important, but your teen might be missing out on valuable life lessons if they don’t have a job in high school. Being the most prepared for college means having a well-balanced life, and not focusing too much on studies. It’s important for your teen to flesh out other parts of their life such as recreation and gaining job experience. Here are five reasons why getting a job will help prepare your teen for college.

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5 Ways to Build Wealth (Even as a Perfectionist)

Perfectionism is both a blessing and a curse. Money is only one measure of wealth. To build wealth as a perfectionist, you need a slightly different set of tools than everyone else.  

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Faith-Based Investing: 3 Ways to Invest with Your Values

Now, as a more astute investor, I understand the importance of vision and values in financial decision-making when trying to build wealth. This is especially important as a Christian. […] In this article, I want to go over three principles of investing to help you align your financial decisions with your values.

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